
Conflict Studies, From Peace to War, from War to Peace

The Security Impacts of the COVID-19 Pandemic: A Follow-Up

CONFLICT STUDIES 2022: Special Operations in Past and Present

The Art of Peace

R. PERL Relevance of History to Current Decision Making

A. H. CORDESMAN. 21st Century Conflict: From “RMA” to the “RCMA”

CONFLICT STUDIES 2019: The Role of Territorial Defense Forces in Peace and War

CONFLICT STUDIES 2018: Alliance Planning and Coalition Warfare

CONFLICT STUDIES 2017: The Use of Military Forces in Domestic Affairs

CONFLICT STUDIES 2016: Contemporary Military Challenges

CONFLICT STUDIES 2014: Doctrinal Change. Using the Past to Face the Present

CONFLICT STUDIES 2013: Nations at War

CONFLICT STUDIES 2012: Past through Present

CONFLICT STUDIES 2009: End of Empires: Challenges to Security and Statehood in Flux

CONFLICT STUDIES 2006: Exiting War

CONFLICT STUDIES 2005: Multinational Operations