NATO and PfPC have released a new Reference Curriculum on Hybrid Threats and Hybrid Warfare. This reference curriculum is an essential educational resource aimed at addressing the complexities of Hybrid Warfare and Hybrid Threats in academic and practitioner contexts. It offers a comprehensive yet concise guide, crafted by experts from various nations, providing a robust overview of key facets and strategic approaches necessary for understanding and engaging with hybrid warfare phenomena. Hybrid threats, which blend conventional warfare, irregular tactics, and cyber activities, are increasingly common and pose significant challenges for national and international security frameworks. The curriculum targets members of the PfP Consortium, encouraging nations to adapt the content to their specific strategic needs and geopolitical contexts. It emphasizes the importance of understanding Hybrid Warfare and Hybrid Threats, and their impact on national security policies and capabilities. Additionally, it explores related concepts such as Grey Zone Warfare, information operations, and cognitive warfare, recommending essential sources and methods to address emerging security challenges. This guide aims to equip defense educators and strategists with the knowledge to enhance their curricula and prepare for the evolving dynamics of global security threats. The project received financial and active support from various organizations, including the German Federal Government, NATO and PfPC's joint Defence Education Enhancement Programme (DEEP), the Konrad Adenauer Foundation, and several academic and governmental institutions.
To see this and other reference curricula, click here.