Skopje, North Macedonia – The Partnership for Peace Consortium’s (PfPC) Advanced Distributed Learning (ADL) Working Group held an expert workshop in Skopje, Feb. 1-2. The workshop, “ADL in War: Training While We Fight – Lessons Learned from Ukraine,” which was conducted in cooperation with the North Macedonian Military Academy, convened 19 ADL experts from 10 Allied and partner countries and NATO institutions to discuss best practices for technology enhanced learning that is relevant in a wartime environment.
“We express gratitude to our colleagues from Ukraine, because you are not only fighting for your country, but for the right of a country to be free,” said State Secretary Mr. Vladimir Anchev. On the subject of ADL’s relevance, he also explained to the group that “the Minister of Defense recognizes the importance and supports your efforts.”
The Dean of the North Macedonian Military Academy offered the full support of his institution as well, exclaiming that “education and training—and close cooperation—is the way to stay ahead.”
The workshop included national updates on the use of ADL, a briefing from the U.S. Joint Staff Joint Knowledge Online (JKO) Chief, as well current practices from NATO Allied Command Transformation and NATO Defense College.
The experts—representing Bulgaria, Finland, the Netherlands, North Macedonia, Poland, Sweden, Ukraine, the United Kingdom, the United States, NATO Allied Command Transformation, NATO Defense College, and NATO School Oberammergau—consider this tailored workshop as an opportunity to generate recommendations and outcomes for policy makers and national ADL institutions.
You can learn more about the Advanced Distribution Learning Working Group here.

ADL Working Group with State Secretary Mr. Vladimir Anchev