Stockholm, Sweden - The Partnership for Peace Consortium (PfPC) and the Swedish Defence University (SEDU) recently conducted a workshop from July 4-6 in Stockholm, Sweden. The goal of the workshop was to further develop a reference curriculum on resilience, which will eventually be published by NATO. Intended for use in Partner professional military education institutes, the curriculum aims to enhance interoperability with NATO Allies. The guiding framework of this curriculum will help to enhance mutual understanding of the topic between Allies and Partners, contributing to a more stable security environment.
The workshop brought together 17 government officials, academics, and defense educators from 11 different countries. Camilla Unsgaard, Course Coordinator at SEDU Centre for Societal Security, emphasized the necessity of a comprehensive approach towards resilience, including its successful implementation into concepts of comprehensive and total defense. Additionally, Ambassador Shota Gvineria from the Baltic Defence College offered a keynote address outlining his perspective on resilience. Participants were then divided into four working groups, each tackling different aspects of resilience, ranging from fundamentals and key dimensions to social cohesion and practical planning.
The workshop facilitated a multifaceted discussion on resilience, offering insights into different aspects of the concept and its implementation. The diverse perspectives presented, and the conclusions reached, will significantly impact the development of the NATO resilience curriculum, thereby promoting greater interoperability and mutual understanding among NATO Allies and Partner nations. The next steps involve the refinement and finalization of the resilience curriculum in FY24, drawing on the insights and input from the workshop participants. These developments serve as a testament to the power of international collaboration in building a more secure future. In the long run, the lessons learned from this workshop can guide the development of further initiatives aimed at enhancing international cooperation in the fields of defense and security.
You can learn more about the Emerging Security Challenges Working Group here.