Berlin, Germany - The Partnership for Peace Consortium (PfPC) and the Geneva Centre for Security Sector Governance (DCAF) recently collaborated within the Security Sector Reform Working Group (SSR WG) to organize a parliamentarian workshop event titled "Responding to Crisis and Building Democratic Resilience - The Role of Parliaments." This event was held within the framework of the PfPC-DCAF Parliamentary Forum on Oversight of the Security Sector in Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia. Delegations consisting of Members of Parliament and Staffers from Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, Kyrgyzstan, and Tajikistan convened in Berlin from Sep. 4-7, 2023. The workshop commenced with opening remarks from BG (Ret) Rolf Wagner, the Deputy Director of the George C. Marshall European Center for Security Studies (GCMC) and PfPC Chairman, and featured a keynote address by Mr. Nico Falcoi, Vice-President of the NATO Parliamentary Assembly. The event also saw the active involvement of Ms. Merle Spellerberg, a Member of Parliament from the German Bundestag, and a diverse panel of international experts who engaged with the participating delegations on various pertinent topics.
Key Discussions on Parliaments' Vital Role in Security Oversight and Resilience.
During the workshop, participants engaged in robust discussions on several key topics. These included the role of Parliaments in responding to crises and fostering democratic resilience, the parliamentary oversight of the security sector during wartime, strategies for addressing information warfare and disinformation, and the regulation of private military and security companies. These discussions underscored the importance of parliamentary institutions in ensuring effective governance, security, and stability in the participating countries and regions.
Forging a Secure Future: PfPC and DCAF Pave the Way for Enhanced Parliamentary Governance.
Moving forward, the PfPC, DCAF, and the participating countries' parliamentary representatives will continue collaborating and implementing the insights gained during this round-table within the SSR WG. Strengthening parliamentary oversight, enhancing democratic resilience, and addressing emerging security challenges such as information warfare and private military and security companies will be pivotal. Further engagement, information sharing, and capacity-building initiatives will be pursued at the following workshop in FY24 to empower parliamentary institutions in these areas, ultimately contributing to the security and stability of Eastern Europe, South Caucasus, and Central Asia.
You can learn more about the Security Sector Reform Working Group here.