
Latest Policy Recommendations of the RSSC Study Group available now
Lattest Policy Recommendations of the Regional Stability in the South Caucasus Study Group are available now
Latest Policy Recommendations of the RSSC Study Group available now

Vienna, Austria, December 4, 2020 – The 2nd Extraordinary Virtual Workshop of the RSSC SG  “What Future for Nagorno-Karabakh in the wake of the 2020 Six-Weeks War? Consequences for Conflict Settlement in the South Caucasus Region” was held on 4 December 2020 exceptionally in lieu of the annual Reichenau workshop. Its occurrence was made all the more timely in view of the historical changes at work in the South Caucasus, as a result of the recent military confrontation over Nagorno-Karabakh, between Armenia and Azerbaijan.

A dozen speakers and discussants, mainly from the South Caucasus, but also from Russia, Turkey, and Europe met virtually to consider the implications of these changes.

Please find the policy paper here.

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