Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany, February 2020 - CALL FOR PAPERS for the 20th Annual Conference of the Euro-Atlantic Conflict Studies Working Group "From Peace to War, from War to Peace/Conflict Initiation and Termination: Implications for Policy Makers"
The decision to enter or quit war is part of a comples process. It involves specific circumstances and particular dynamics that shape the options and choices of the international actors. National interests, strategic imperatives, changing typology of threats, insecurity feelings or just inertia are factors that can be considered when discussing the issue of war and peace. However, a closer look into the war-peace dilemma allows us to decipher a more diverse picture that is not only connected to the military or political considerations but also involves other components like society, public opiniom, economy, cultural traditions, propaganda, hybrid strategies etc.
Recent military developments have highlighted new trends in warfare that require new perspectives and approaches that may help to get a better understating of the nature of war, its features and its management prospects. Looking back at the last two centuries, the key questions are: Is war terminated or just prolonged with other means, tactics and strategies? To what extent can war be prevented and how can it be terminated in order to generate peace? How can peace be managed to avoid war?
The aim of the 20th annual conference of the Euro-Atlantic Conflict Studies Working Group is to look deeper into the dynamics that influence decisions for entering and quitting armed conflict. Both military and non-military factors are to be considered (societal culture, propaganda, military traditions, resilience capacity, etc.). Historical experiences can provide relevant examples and lessons that may help to better adapt the national defense systems to cope with current and future challenges. We encourage historical as well as contemporary analyses of specific case studies that bring valuable insights into a complex and complicated topic that needs further research and consideration.
The key thematic areas to be addressed may include the following topics:
- Great power competition as a driver of war. Why do wars start and why do they end?
- The role of alliances and coalition warfare in the initiation and termination of war.
- The impact of non-military factors in shaping the decisions of policy makers concerning war and peace: propaganda and disinformation; role of archetypes in conflict initiation; the role of public opinion, national resilience , etc.
- Public support for war - how does society influence the political and military decisions? The impact of military culture and societal approaches to war and peace.
- Economy and war: forecast vs reality.
- Changing typologies of war, reshaping peace and building resilience (e.g. hybrid war, cyber warfare, internal disturbances, etc.).
- War endings and challenges of peace: from the major conflicts of the 20th century to current military interventions. Factors to be considered: army demobilization, post-conflict reconstruction (military and non-military factors), reintegration of the military, etc.
- Resources: damages, population changes, migration, ecology.
All academic and military personnel concerned with the topic is invited to participate - both as presenters and as auditors. If interested in presenting a paper kindly submit an abstract of the proposed paper (up to 500 words in English), and a short biography of the author. The abstract proposals should be sent via email to matej.medvecky [at] (matej[dot]medvecky[at]vhu[dot]sk) and stefanmaximilianbrenner [at] (stefanmaximilianbrenner[at]bundeswehr[dot]org). The Conference will be held in English and only English-language papers are accepted.
The Conference will be held at the historical hall of the Rectorate of the Pavol Jozef Safarik University in Kosice. The participants will be accommodated at the Double Tree by Hilton Hotel Kosice at a special price (single bed 79 Euro/night, double bed 95 Euro/nig ht). Please use password "CSWG 2020'' when booking the hotel.
For further information concerning the administrative/logistical arrangements, you can contact: matej.medvecky [at] (matej[dot]medvecky[at]vhu[dot]sk).
The participants will cover their own travel costs and accomodation. There will be a registration fee of 100 EUR.
Important deadlines:
Abstract submission:15 February 2020
Notification of abstract acceptance: 15 March 2020
Day of arrival:18 May 2020
Day of departure: 22 May 2020
Deadline for paper submission (for publication): 30 September 2020
We look forward to welcoming you in Kosice in 2020!
To learn more about Conflict Studies Working Group, please click here.